Bible Teaching, Clear ThinkingSteven KozarMarch 04, 20251 Comment The Cluster Bomb of Bad Ideas Exploding Inside the Church (Part 1) Bible Teaching, Clear ThinkingSteven KozarMarch 04, 20251 Comment
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Bible Teaching, Clear ThinkingSteven KozarMarch 09, 20235 Comments The Cluster Bomb of Bad Ideas Exploding Inside the Church (Part 1) Bible Teaching, Clear ThinkingSteven KozarMarch 09, 20235 Comments
Clear Thinking, Evangelical Train WreckSteven KozarOctober 21, 2022Manifesto of Christian Discernment, T- D- Jakes, Steven Furtick, Craig Groeschel, Ed Young, Ed Young Jr, Eddie Long, Mega Pastors A Manifesto of Christian Discernment Clear Thinking, Evangelical Train WreckSteven KozarOctober 21, 2022Manifesto of Christian Discernment, T- D- Jakes, Steven Furtick, Craig Groeschel, Ed Young, Ed Young Jr, Eddie Long, Mega Pastors
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Church History, Contemporary Worship, PostmodernismSteven KozarSeptember 18, 2022Todd Wilkin, Issues Etc, Pharisee Card, Sound Doctrine "The Pharisee Card" by Todd Wilkin Church History, Contemporary Worship, PostmodernismSteven KozarSeptember 18, 2022Todd Wilkin, Issues Etc, Pharisee Card, Sound Doctrine
Charismania, Evangelical Train Wreck, False Doctrine, Mega-Churches, Seeker Friendly Nonsense, Snarky VerbiageSteven KozarSeptember 17, 2022Andy Stanley, Bethel Redding, Bill Johnson, Brian Houston, Church by the Glades, Dr- Michael Brown, Elevation Church, Heidi Baker, Jenn Johnson, Kenneth Copeland, Kris Vallotton, Lakewood Church, Mark Batterson, Pastor David Hughes, Randy Clark, Rick Joyner, Rick Warren, Rob Bell, Robert Morris, Rodney Howard-Browne, Stacey Campbell, Steven Furtick, T- D- Jakes, Todd Bentley, Toronto Blessing, Vision Casting, Willow Creek Stupid Pastor Tricks-How You're Getting Fooled Part 2 Charismania, Evangelical Train Wreck, False Doctrine, Mega-Churches, Seeker Friendly Nonsense, Snarky VerbiageSteven KozarSeptember 17, 2022Andy Stanley, Bethel Redding, Bill Johnson, Brian Houston, Church by the Glades, Dr- Michael Brown, Elevation Church, Heidi Baker, Jenn Johnson, Kenneth Copeland, Kris Vallotton, Lakewood Church, Mark Batterson, Pastor David Hughes, Randy Clark, Rick Joyner, Rick Warren, Rob Bell, Robert Morris, Rodney Howard-Browne, Stacey Campbell, Steven Furtick, T- D- Jakes, Todd Bentley, Toronto Blessing, Vision Casting, Willow Creek
Bible Teaching, New Apostolic Reformation, Word of FaithSteven KozarJuly 05, 2022Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson, Brian Houston, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, Kris Vallotton, Steven Furtick, T- D- Jakes, Todd White A Biblical Guide to the Prosperity Gospel Bible Teaching, New Apostolic Reformation, Word of FaithSteven KozarJuly 05, 2022Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson, Brian Houston, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, Kris Vallotton, Steven Furtick, T- D- Jakes, Todd White
Cornucopia, False Doctrine, False Teachers, Seeker Friendly NonsenseSteven KozarApril 08, 2022Brian Houston, Hillsong Church2 Comments The Brian Houston & Hillsong Cornucopia of False Doctrine, Abuse, Obfuscation & Money Generation Cornucopia, False Doctrine, False Teachers, Seeker Friendly NonsenseSteven KozarApril 08, 2022Brian Houston, Hillsong Church2 Comments
Bible TeachingSteven KozarMarch 23, 2022 A Biblical Guide to Penal Substitutionary Atonement-It's at the Heart of Christianity Bible TeachingSteven KozarMarch 23, 2022
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