Word of Faith, Seeker Friendly Nonsense, New Apostolic Reformation, False Miracles, False Prophets, Prosperity Heresy, Messed Up Church YouTubeGuest UserOctober 05, 2022Todd White, Kenneth Copeland The Todd White Wheelchair Disaster of 2022! Word of Faith, Seeker Friendly Nonsense, New Apostolic Reformation, False Miracles, False Prophets, Prosperity Heresy, Messed Up Church YouTubeGuest UserOctober 05, 2022Todd White, Kenneth Copeland
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Bible Teaching, False ProphetsSteven KozarFebruary 17, 2022 The Biblical Guide to False Prophets and False Prophecies Bible Teaching, False ProphetsSteven KozarFebruary 17, 2022
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Museum of Idolatry, False Prophets, New Apostolic Reformation, Prosperity Heresy, Word of FaithSteven KozarNovember 21, 2017Todd White Todd White: How Much Money Does He Actually Make? Museum of Idolatry, False Prophets, New Apostolic Reformation, Prosperity Heresy, Word of FaithSteven KozarNovember 21, 2017Todd White
Evangelical Train Wreck, Postmodernism, False ProphetsSteven KozarSeptember 02, 2015Herescope, Kim Clement, Bill Hamon, Latter Rain, Heidi Baker, Bill Johnson, Dr-Orrel SteinkampComment "The Absurd is Flooding Into Evangelical Churches" by Orrel Steinkamp Evangelical Train Wreck, Postmodernism, False ProphetsSteven KozarSeptember 02, 2015Herescope, Kim Clement, Bill Hamon, Latter Rain, Heidi Baker, Bill Johnson, Dr-Orrel SteinkampComment
Evangelical Train Wreck, False Teachers, False Prophets, New Apostolic Reformation, Satire?Steven KozarMarch 13, 2015End Times, Heretic-Heresy3 Comments "The New Apostolic Reformation End Times Scripture" by Steven Kozar Evangelical Train Wreck, False Teachers, False Prophets, New Apostolic Reformation, Satire?Steven KozarMarch 13, 2015End Times, Heretic-Heresy3 Comments
False Teachers, False Doctrine, False Prophets, New Apostolic Reformation, Postmodernism, Seeker Friendly Nonsense, Word of FaithSteven KozarJanuary 26, 2015Critical Issues Commentary, Bob DeWaay, Bill Johnson, theopneustos, Kris Vallotton, Lighthouse Trails Research Project Bill Johnson's Scripture Twisting False Teachers, False Doctrine, False Prophets, New Apostolic Reformation, Postmodernism, Seeker Friendly Nonsense, Word of FaithSteven KozarJanuary 26, 2015Critical Issues Commentary, Bob DeWaay, Bill Johnson, theopneustos, Kris Vallotton, Lighthouse Trails Research Project
False Doctrine, False Teachers, False Prophets, PostmodernismSteven KozarNovember 13, 2014Sarah Young, Jesus Calling, Apostasy, Christian Publishing?, New Age, Lighthouse Trails Research Project Changing “Jesus Calling”—Damage Control for a False Christ False Doctrine, False Teachers, False Prophets, PostmodernismSteven KozarNovember 13, 2014Sarah Young, Jesus Calling, Apostasy, Christian Publishing?, New Age, Lighthouse Trails Research Project
Evangelical Train Wreck, Charismania, False Doctrine, False Prophets, Postmodernism, Satire?Steven KozarOctober 11, 2014Mark Driscoll, John Piper, Prosperity, The Resurgence, Janet Mefferd, Damon Rambo I am an Angry Pastor (A Statement of Purpose) Evangelical Train Wreck, Charismania, False Doctrine, False Prophets, Postmodernism, Satire?Steven KozarOctober 11, 2014Mark Driscoll, John Piper, Prosperity, The Resurgence, Janet Mefferd, Damon Rambo
False Doctrine, False Teachers, False Prophets, PostmodernismSteven KozarSeptember 22, 2014Warren B. Smith, Another Jesus Calling, Contemplative Prayer Amazing Video about the Dangerous Book: "Jesus Calling!" False Doctrine, False Teachers, False Prophets, PostmodernismSteven KozarSeptember 22, 2014Warren B. Smith, Another Jesus Calling, Contemplative Prayer
Charismania, False Doctrine, False Miracles, False ProphetsSteven KozarJuly 05, 2014Todd Bentley, Andrew Strom, Kundalini Spirit, Rick Warren, C- Peter Wagner2 Comments SHOCKING DOCUMENTARY 2-False spirits invade the church-KUNDALINI WARN... Charismania, False Doctrine, False Miracles, False ProphetsSteven KozarJuly 05, 2014Todd Bentley, Andrew Strom, Kundalini Spirit, Rick Warren, C- Peter Wagner2 Comments
False Doctrine, False Teachers, Seeker Friendly Nonsense, False ProphetsSteven KozarJune 24, 2014Beth Moore1 Comment Beth Moore's Future Outpouring "Prophecy" (VERY Creepy) False Doctrine, False Teachers, Seeker Friendly Nonsense, False ProphetsSteven KozarJune 24, 2014Beth Moore1 Comment