Bill Johnson's Scripture Twisting

Here are some good articles about the false teaching of Bill Johnson and Bethel Church:
"Herescope" is one of the blogs that does a very good job of dissecting his confusing and anti-biblical ideas: Herescope: BILL JOHNSON: Squandering Our Spiritual Inheritance
Here's an excellent and scholarly article by Bob DeWaay, An Invasion of Error, about Johnson's book "When Heaven Invades Earth:" (Critical Issues Commentary")
Here's a brief article about the temptation to "be like God" from Pastor Curtis Leins: Temptation To Be Like God; (theopneustos).
Here's an article that shows how Bill Johnson not only misuses the Bible, but language itself: Learning Etymology with Bill Johnson: A New Age ‘Repentance’? (Crosswise Walking in the Truth.)
Here's a brief article about the Word of Faith teaching from Kris Vallotton: Kris Vallotton: Just Another ‘Word of Faith’ False Teacher; (Tony Miano; Cross Encounters.)
Here's an article about Bill Johnson's and Bethel's New Age connections: NEW BOOKLET: The New Age Propensities of Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson; (Lighthouse Trails Editors.)

Steven Kozar started The Messed Up Church; he is an artist ( is his art website), musician, blogger, and stuff. He makes videos, too, on The Messed Up Church YouTube channel.