The Brian Houston & Hillsong Cornucopia of False Doctrine, Abuse, Obfuscation & Money Generation

This post is updated from time to time so please check back for updates. Thank you.
Brian Houston and his gigantic Hillsong enterprise need to be critically examined in light of Scripture, just like any pastor and any church-but especially because his influence is felt in thousands of churches world-wide. Millions and millions of people are being affected by what he says and does. Being rich and famous does not make someone immune from scrutiny.
The following is a list of articles from Christians coming from different denominational and theological backgrounds, who all agree that Brian Houston and the Hillsong global conglomerate are not to be trusted as a Biblically sound church.
For even more information, visit our Australian friends over at Church Watch Central; they have done a tremendous amount of research on Houston, Hillsong and other related pastors/ministries.
Lifting the veil of secrecy on Hillsong/Lifting the Lid on Hillsong and how the megachurch secretly makes its millions | Church Watch Central | March 18, 2020
Disgusting Hillsong Santa Has a "Package" For You | Museum of Idolatry | December 21, 2016 | This post has other links of interest concerning Hillsong including Simila’s Comeback; The Naked Cowboy/Santa; Lusty (Pastor) Esther Houston
Brian Houston Claims Clergy Privilege to Prevent Police Investigation? by Church Watch Central | Church Watch Central | February 20, 2016
The False Gospel of Hillsong (Part 1) - Houston We Have A Problem | Cameron Buettel | Once Upon A Cross (blog) | January 25, 2010 |
The False Gospel of Hillsong (Part 2) - Defending Heresy | January 27, 2010;
The False Gospel of Hillsong (Part 3) - We Don’t Want To Talk About The Gospel | January 29, 2010;
The False Gospel of Hillsong (Part 4) - My Entire Correspondence With Hillsong | February 1, 2010;
The False Gospel of Hillsong (Part 5) - From The Horse’s Mouth | February 3, 2010;
The False Gospel of Hillsong (Part 6) - The Eleventh Commandment | February 5, 2010.
The Smoking Gun: Brian Houston Acknowledges Gay Couple on Video | Pulpit & Pen | August 9, 2015
Another Hillsong Paedophile Scandal: Brian caught lying and trashing victim | Church Watch Central | January 10, 2016
Homosexuality Removed from Hillsong College Student Handbook | Ken Silva | Apprising Ministries | May 13, 2014 | Includes many other links including Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism and Hillsong International Leadership College.
Founder of Hillsong Frank Houston's Pedophile Activities (Part 1) | Donald Elley (blog) | February 11, 2016 | Includes other links pertinent to the situation
Pastor Frank Houston. Pedophile. Criminal Mind. Part Two. A Criminal pedophile too far in to go backwards | September 11, 2021 includes next link
Pastor Frank Houston. Pedophile. Criminal Mind Part Two. A Criminal pedophile too far in to go backwards | August 14, 2021 included in previous link
The Origins of Hillsong (Part 1): The New Order of the Latter Rain | Church Watch Central | January 23, 2016
The Origins of Hillsong (Part 2): Hillsong Founder Under the "New Order" Cult | Church Watch Central | January 26, 2016
The Origins of Hillsong (Part 3): Frank Houston's Takeover of New Zealand AOG | Church Watch Central | February 15, 2016
The Heresy of Hillsong by The Protestant Standard | The Protestant Standard 28 November 2014
Brian Houston's Bungles Bloopers and Blasphemy | Lance Goodall | Coercion Code | March 31, 2014
Pull The Allah one, Brian (Part 1) | Church Watch Central | 18 Jul 2014
Pull The Allah one, Brian (Part 2) | Church Watch Central | 19 Jul 2014
Is Hillsong a Biblically Sound Church? | Got Questions
Testimonies from Former Hillsong Members | Church Watch Central
Hillsong, Heaven and Heresy | Costi Hinn | Pen & Pulpit | March 28, 2017
Hillsong & Worship | Grace to You | Cameron Buettel & Jeremiah Johnson | November 28, 2016
HillsongChurchWatch - “About” the Hillsong “Church” Movement.
Episodes of Fighting for the Faith featuring Brian Houston Sermon Reviews
Why I Left Hill$ong Brisbane Campus | Lance Goodall | PDF
Brian Houston Leverages Off Father's Reputation & Hides Paedophilia to Promote Himself & Hillsong | Church Watch Central | April 17, 2016
Brian Houston on the "Naked Cowboy" Event: "I'm Clueless About It-But It's No Big Deal Anyway" | Museum of Idolatry | June 01, 2016
Making money off books promoting heresy, a list/search on Amazon 03/03/2022
Hillsong docuseries aims to show how megachurch toed the line between ‘cult and culture (trailer) | The Christian Post | February 18, 2022 article and video
Hillsong leader criticizes upcoming Discovery Plus docuseries for overlooking church’s good deeds | The Christian Post | February 23, 2022
Religious abuse of power - a sin punishable by law | IOL | Feb 20, 2022
Hillsong Church founder Brian Houston resigns amid scandal | New York Post | January 31, 2022
See also The Messed Up Church YouTube Playlist which contains videos by other channel owners.
Posts here on Messed Up Church blog:
Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz Biffs It on Oprah's SuperSoul Sunday | October 18, 2016
Brian Houston: Used Car Salesman Pushing the Hillsong Brand | July 28, 2017
A Carl Lentz Catalog of Celebrity Super Pastor Sinful Behavior | December 23, 2020 | Lentz is a leader of the “church” in New York; As stated in this post, “Reminder: Hillsong is a multimedia corporation, it is not a church”
The Hillsong Day of Infamy | April 18, 2016
Dr. Michael Brown on Mushy Carl Lentz: Clear As Mud | November 11, 2017
Another Church Hijacking: Insider Exposes Hillsong Takover Tactics | August 16, 2016
Hillsong: First They Do a Makeover, Then They Do a Takeover | February 26, 2016
Devastating Proof of Brian Houston Lying to the Royal Commission (and Everyone Else!) | October 02, 2017
Matt Chandler, Francis Chan with Hillsong, Jesus Culture at Yet Another Conference | July 23, 2018
The Hypnotic Worship “Encounter Gospel” of Bethel & the NAR Explained | January 24, 2018
Playlist on The Messed Up Church YouTube Channel
For those who think it's mean, judgmental and un-loving to criticize Brian Houston (or any other popular teacher) here's something just for you: Shocking Stuff You're Not Supposed to Know.
If you're having a knee-jerk reaction to try and defend Brian Houston, check out: Confirmation Bias: Why You Are Protecting Your False Beliefs.
Finally, here's an important article that will help you be more discerning and a lot less gullible: Defusing Demonic Dirty Bombs.
-This article by Steven Kozar
Stop being so gullible!
Be sure to check out all of the other Cornucopias on The Messed Up Church.

Steven Kozar started The Messed Up Church; he is an artist ( is his art website), musician, blogger, and stuff. He makes videos, too, on The Messed Up Church YouTube channel.