Bethel, Clear Thinking, Doctrines of Demons, False Doctrine, False Teachers, New Age MovementSteven KozarBill Johnson, New Age, Dreaming With God, Lance Wallnau, The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind, Cynthia Bourgeault, The Wisdom Jesus Transforming Heart and Mind, Jim Marion, Centering Prayer, E. W. Kenyon, Kenneth Hagin, D. R. McConnell, Oral Roberts University, A Different Gospel, Brahmanism, Hinduism, Meditation, Maha Yogi, John Hick
"Bill Johnson-False Teacher Misusing Words" by CrossWise
Bethel, Clear Thinking, Doctrines of Demons, False Doctrine, False Teachers, New Age MovementSteven KozarBill Johnson, New Age, Dreaming With God, Lance Wallnau, The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind, Cynthia Bourgeault, The Wisdom Jesus Transforming Heart and Mind, Jim Marion, Centering Prayer, E. W. Kenyon, Kenneth Hagin, D. R. McConnell, Oral Roberts University, A Different Gospel, Brahmanism, Hinduism, Meditation, Maha Yogi, John Hick