When False Hope Crashes Into Reality-The Tragedy of Bethel, Redding

On December 14, 2019, Bethel Church, Redding suffered a tragedy: a two-year-old girl suddenly died.
(From the Bethel Facebook page)
The parents and many Bethel members began declaring that this little girl must rise from the dead. The girl’s mother is a famous Bethel singer-songwriter and worship leader: Kalley Heiligenthal.
A lot of influential Bethel people spent a lot of energy declaring that this little girl, Olive, should come back to life.
And she did not.
Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton and all of the gigantic Bethel staff could not help her, in spite of being a church that proudly claims to experience miracles every single day.
Heidi Baker was the special guest speaker at Bethel the day after the girl died, and she did nothing.
Todd White could not help her, in spite of claiming to do miracles every single day.
Benny Hinn didn’t show up to wave his jacket and raise her from the dead.
David Hogan, the man who claims to have raised over 500 people from the dead, remains silent about his failure to help his close friends at Bethel, Redding.
The “dead raising team” has done nothing, just like usual (although they look pretty cool in their photo)
This situation is similar to the freakishly bad forest fires that roared into Redding last year and burned down much of the town. Bethel made great proclamations and decrees against the inferno but was powerless to stop the disaster.
How did this happen?
Here’s a summary of why this has happened:
Bethel teaches a “Theology of Glory” instead of a “Theology of the Cross.”
Bethel teaches that they are “bringing heaven to earth.” Therefore, Jesus wants us to do stuff. LOTS of stuff. The more impossible and ridiculous the stuff is, the more you’re supposed to take a risk and do it.
Bethel teaches that Christians must take back dominion of this earth from the Devil. (No pressure or anything)
Bethel teaches that human sin isn’t really the problem that Jesus came to resolve-the Devil needed to be defeated and that’s what happened on the cross.
Although the Devil is defeated, we still need to do lots of stuff to battle him and, hopefully, win.
Bethel teaches that the Gospel must include miraculous signs & wonders. “Regular” Christianity is no good.
Bethel teaches that God is sovereign only in small moments of time, but otherwise, we are to reign as kings on the earth.
Bethel teaches that the leaders who teach this theology are specially appointed Apostles who get downloads of new revelation directly from God.
Bethel teaches that a two-year-old girl can (and should) be brought back from the dead by declaring it with fervor and intensity because words carry the power of God and defeat the Devil. To do otherwise shows a lack of faith.
Bethel teaches things that destroy faith, and this horrible situation drives home that point.
The true Christian Church looks at death squarely in the eyes and sees reality because it understands the fragility and pain of this life (caused by sin) and the blessed reality of eternal life to come (purchased on the cross).
The true Christian Church grieves the death of its members with great sadness but has steadfast hope in what Christ has won for us by His atoning sacrifice on the cross.
The true Christian Church sees every day as an undeserved gift from God, whose holiness demands our punishment, yet has mercifully given His own life in a demonstration of unfathomable love on the cross.
The true Christian Church used to put its cemetery right next to its sanctuary because death was a reminder of our sin, but also a reminder of that thing which Christ has conquered on the cross. “Where, oh death, is your victory? Where, oh death, is your sting?”
The true Christian Church never makes demands of God, nor would it “decree & declare” what the future should be.
The true Christian Church believes in the Word of God and not the fallible teachings of false Apostles & Prophets who destroy faith by creating false hope in a false earthly kingdom.
Here are some more articles and videos to help you think through his situation:
Toddler Death at Bethel Reveals the True Damage from NAR Theology
Bethel’s False Premise For Raising The Dead
What’s being missed with the ‘waking’ of Olive at Bethel Church, Redding
The Briefing from Albert Mohler
Bill Johnson's Biblically Ignorant Response to Resurrection Crisis

Steven Kozar started The Messed Up Church; he is an artist (StevenKozar.com is his art website), musician, blogger, and stuff. He makes videos, too, on The Messed Up Church YouTube channel.