We're Looking for the Harrisburg, PA, Pastor Born With Polio That Todd White Healed!

Todd White has recently appeared in a video where he tells the story of how he healed a pastor in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, of a leg that was three and a half inches too short. We want to hear from that man!
This man was the head pastor of a church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, that taught against healing until Todd proved him wrong. Todd says that this man’s leg grew out immediately, and the pastor was forced to denounce his former disbelief in healing.
We want to meet this man and hear this amazing story directly from him!
This man must have been changed forever by this miraculous healing and we’re sure he would want to tell the whole world about what the Lord has done. We would love to see before and after photos and, of course, we’d really love to see the medical reports of this incredible miracle!
To help locate this man, here are the specifics of his story as told by Todd White:
This man told Todd White that he was “born with polio” but you CANNOT be “born with polio!” This medical impossibility alone should make him very easy to find, and on top of that, the Centers for Disease Control states that polio has been ELIMINATED in the United States!
Polio is spread through feces, so a mother cannot pass it down to her infant through conception. This pastor is probably listed as a bizarre anomaly by polio experts in the medical field-he’s probably easy to find in a database for polio research!
His leg was (very specifically) three and a half inches too short. Apparently, Todd White had a measuring device with him and decided to do a short leg documentation (“SLD”). This will make it very easy to find this man! Even if Todd White has helped lots of people grow out their legs in Harrisburg, PA, (while he was working for an ice delivery company), this is probably the only one who had a three and a half inch discrepancy. Good thing that Todd did a SLD!
The effects from polio do not always include having one leg too short, although the physical deformities resulting from polio could include such a condition. So not only was he born with polio (which is impossible), but he also had a shortened leg as a result. (Isn’t it funny how just about every illness that Todd White claims to heal involves a short leg? If only the medical field would catch on to this short leg epidemic!)
This man was the head pastor of a church in Harrisburg, PA, that (very specifically) taught that God never heals anyone. Ever. His church was “part of a denomination that didn’t believe in healing” and he “preached against it his whole life.” This particular denomination holds to a very strange and rare theological distinction, which should make it very easy to find. Although Todd White claims that he meets lots of pastors who “preach against healing” he probably misspoke, since pretty much all Bible-believing churches believe that God can, if He chooses, heal people today. Todd is probably a little confused, since he believes the Word of Faith teaching that says God always heal today, (if we give Him the right commands and exercise enough faith). Unfortunately, Todd White has had no theological training but has just read some books by Word of Faith expert, Kenneth Copeland (his mentor), so he doesn’t understand that God is sovereign and cannot be controlled by us.
This miraculous three and a half inch leg growth had to have taken place between 2004 (when Todd claims he was radically saved) and about 2007/10, because this was before he went into full-time ministry with Dan Mohler, which seems to be somewhere around 2007 or a little later. Todd says he was working a job delivering ice when he met the pastor and healed his short leg. So, just to put a time frame on this, the pastor had his three and a half inch leg miracle sometime between 2004 and about 2010 or so. This is just a 6 year window, making it pretty easy to nail down the specifics of this story!
In Todd’s retelling of the story, this pastor saw Todd in his dreadlock hairstyle and didn’t like it. Todd says “And he’s kinda lookin’ me up and lookin’ me down, and I could tell that there’s a little bit of… my dreads aren’t very comfortable for him.” This is a very peculiar detail since Todd looked like this in 2007/2008, according to Dan Mohler’s old website, which is shown here from web archives:
Todd “Ice Delivery Man” White
Todd White seems to have his adopted his dreadlock hairstyle near the beginning of his various media appearances, starting in mid-2009. Here’s a screenshot from one of his very first appearances on CBN:
Now here’s a screenshot of Todd from another TV appearance from the same time period:
Now this screenshot shows his brand new dreadlocks in July of 2009! You can see how his previous hairstyle leads up to this moment:
From mid-2009 forward, Todd White has had his trademark hairstyle that bothered the unbelieving head pastor, of the Harrisburg, PA, church.
Wait a minute-this makes it super easy to pinpoint when the miraculous leg-lengthening happened!
According to Todd White’s own story, it had to have happened from mid-2009 forward, when Todd White was still working as an ice delivery man and he also had his dreadlock hairstyle. But get this-he was also doing all of the things listed below. These are exact quotes from the CBN website in 2009:
He has been on street ministry with Chris Overstreet from Bethel in Redding, Cal., and…
He has taught power evangelism and street ministry at Extreme Prophetic with Patricia King…
Todd’s home base is with Neck Ministries in Abbottstown, Pennsylvania, where he is a ministry leader and teacher…
He also teaches at Randy Clark’s Global School of Supernatural Ministry…
And preached at the Church of the Great Commission…
He has been blessed to receive impartation from Randy Clark, Bill Johnson, Roland and Heidi Baker and Benny Hinn…
Todd has not only been blessed to travel domestically seeing miracles, but on a recent pilgrimage to Jerusalem, he saw over 150 Muslims and Jews healed by the power of God through the name of Jesus Christ on the streets.
In the midst of all his evangelism, Todd’s most recent project is as a cast member for God Squad. God Squad is a half-hour reality show. The show follows the cast members as they encounter random individuals in daily life and bring them into a supernatural experience.
Isn’t it hard to believe that Todd White was doing all of these things while he was also working as an ice delivery man? Wow-he really is amazing!!
Here are some of the videos he made for CBN at this time of the brand new hairstyle:
So, in summary:
Todd White healed an unnamed lead pastor whose church denomination taught that God did NOT heal people. Ever. This unbelieving pastor was born with polio and had his three and a half inch short leg fixed (but Todd didn’t say whether the polio was healed). Todd was working as an ice delivery man in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania while doing a whole bunch of other things, like traveling around the world, teaching and preaching and healing people everywhere he went while he was also making lots and lot of videos and TV appearances. This happened from around mid-2009 to the time when Todd stopped working at the ice delivery company and went into full-time ministry, but it’s hard to know when that is, since it seems impossible that Todd could have held a regular job as an ice delivery man while doing all of those other things.
Well, whatever the case, Todd White is amazing, and if you don’t think so, just ask him or one of his many followers!
The real issue at hand is this:
We want to hear from that unbelieving pastor!!
This man would have been forever changed by the healing ministry of Todd White-he most certainly would remember that miraculous event that changed his life forever. We can be sure that he knows who Todd White is and has kept up with his growing ministry over the past decade or so. Please come forward, pastor, and give glory to God for healing you!
And, by the way, did Todd also heal you of polio while he was fixing your shortened leg?
Here’s a video from Chris Rosebrough with more thoughts on Todd White and this story of the Harrisburg, PA pastor:
Here’s an excellent comment on the above F4F video:
Now here’s an excellent comment made by an elderly polio survivor on the FaceBook page “Bethel Church & Christianity:”
Here’s a five-minute video that exposes more lies from Todd White (besides the crazy polio story):
For a LOT more information and videos, please check out this gigantic “Cornucopia” of research on Todd White:
The Todd White Cornucopia of False Teaching
Here’s another time when Todd was tangled up in his own web:
Todd White's Knee Healing Stories Contradict Each Other

Steven Kozar started The Messed Up Church; he is an artist (StevenKozar.com is his art website), musician, blogger, and stuff. He makes videos, too, on The Messed Up Church YouTube channel.