We Remember: The Charismatic Day of Infamy, June 23rd, 2008

This post is updated annually. Stay tuned for the next updated post.
It's the 13-year anniversary of June 23, 2008: "The Charismatic Day of Infamy," but you are NOT supposed to know about it (or even talk about it).
If everyone knew about what happened on this day (and stopped making excuses for it) a whole bunch of false teachers would put their tails between their legs, pack up their bags and go home. The "New Apostolic Reformation," the "Signs and Wonders Movement," the Hyper-Charismatic Movement (whatever it's being called at the moment) should not even exist.
The "Super Apostles" were so proud of themselves that day; they could hardly believe that they were even gathered together at the same place. C. Peter Wagner (who does the official "commissioning" here) is the man who made up the name "New Apostolic Reformation" and then appointed himself God's leader of it. Other important "Super Apostles" on stage were Bill Johnson, Rick Joyner, Che Ahn, John and Carol Arnott, and the Super Star of the whole, messed up day: Todd Bentley.
These men were all gathered in Lakeland, Florida, to officially "commission" Todd Bentley to become part of the "Super Apostle" club. This is what the founder of the New Apostolic Reformation, C. Peter Wagner, said:
"I take the apostolic authority that God has given me and I decree to you, Todd Bentley:
Your power will increase.
Your authority will increase.
Your favor will increase.
Your influence will increase.
I also decree that a new supernatural strength will flow through this ministry.
A new life-force will penetrate this move of God.
Government will be established to set things in their proper order.
God will pour out a higher level of discernment to distinguish truth from error.
New relationships will surface to open the gates for the future!"
And rainbow-colored unicorns will spread golden pixie-dust and shift the atmosphere!! (Okay, I made up that last sentence...)
But within two months Todd Bentley's "revival" completely fell apart and these men were proven horribly wrong; they were proven to be false prophets on television for all the world to see!
Todd Bentley was having an affair with a woman from the church and abandoned his wife and children.
He was also found to be a fraud who couldn't provide any evidence for his claimed "healings" on national television.
And, it was revealed that he was showing up to these "revival" meetings drunk, as he went on stage and told elaborate stories about raising people from the dead, kicking people in the face and having regular contact with an angel named "Emma."
Here's Bentley telling the audience to call down angels at the Lakeland "Revival:"
ALL of these "Super Apostles" claim to hear directly from God and claim to have special "powers" and "anointings." They claim that they are part of a new and better church-not like the old, stuffy, Bible-focused churches. They claim to "move in the prophetic" and some even claim to be "seers" who can predict the future. Rick Joyner claims to go to heaven on a regular basis-he evens claims to talk to the original (real) Apostles, and he claims they wish they were him! Why didn't God tell any of these people the truth about Todd Bentley?
They were 100% wrong about Todd Bentley, and they were clueless about it! They stood up on that stage like blathering buffoons, talking all about how great Todd Bentley was, and all about the great things that were going to happen. Stacy Campbell even went through the trouble to hiss like a snake as she violently jerked her head back and forth, while she "prophesied over" Todd Bentley:
A few years later, Todd's new wife (the woman he had an affair with) showed that she could hiss and shake her head, too.
C. Peter Wagner should have tried to disband this New Apostolic Reformation, but he didn't; instead, he made excuses for what happened. Rick Joyner and Bill Johnson should have admitted that they don't really hear directly from God, but instead they decided to take Todd Bentley under their wing and tried to "restore" him to ministry. You can read more about this (and see more videos of the entire bizarre "commissioning") here: Grace to You.
These men and women have all proven that they do not know what they're doing.
They do not know what they're talking about.
They do not rightly handle God's Word.
They do NOT speak for God.
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
— 1 John 4: 1
“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.”
— 1 Corinthians 14: 33
“An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule at their direction; my people love to have it so, but what will you do when the end comes?”
— Jeremiah 5: 30-31
“And her prophets have smeared whitewash for them, seeing false visions and divining lies for them, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord God,’ when the Lord has not spoken.”
— Ezekiel 22: 28
“Your prophets have seen for you false and deceptive visions; they have not exposed your iniquity
to restore your fortunes, but have seen for you oracles that are false and misleading.”
— Lamentations 2: 14
“For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.”
— Matthew 24: 24
Lastly, it needs to said that not all Charismatics and Pentecostals are in agreement with the leaders in these videos (The NAR leaders). They've fought against the ideas in "The New Apostolic Reformation" and they are to be commended for that. Unfortunately, their voice is largely being drowned out by the much more prominent and popular leaders who've declared themselves the Super Apostles. God help us all to be faithful to His Word, and to ignore the teachings of men.
Here are two really informative videos from Pastor, Chris Rosebrough:
Here are few more articles about this event:
We Have Had Enough of False Prophets by Marsha West
Three Lessons from Lakeland by David Servant
Are Wagner's Apostles Leaving? by Michael Fackerell
Even “Charismatic Apologist,” Lee Grady, had some very harsh things to say about this whole shameful event in his article: What I Hope We Learned From The Lakeland Revival.
Here's recent case where Todd Bentley claims to be raising the dead with absolutely no proof: My Phone Conversation With TMC RE: Bentley's Resurrection Claim (Audio)
Here are some things the Super Apostles do NOT want you to know: Shocking Stuff You're Not Supposed to Know
"Smart phone prophet" Shawn Bolz and Todd Bentley together at "Azusa Now" in April 2016:
Here's a recent video showing Bill Johnson endorsing his good friend Todd Bentley:

Steven Kozar started The Messed Up Church; he is an artist (StevenKozar.com is his art website), musician, blogger, and stuff. He makes videos, too, on The Messed Up Church YouTube channel.