The Steven Furtick Cornucopia of False Teaching, Egomania and Hair Gel

Steven Furtick is a rock star among pop Evangelical megachurch pastors. The church he founded in 2006, "Elevation Church," is one of the largest and fastest growing churches in the USA. Although he actually has a Masters of Divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, he preaches a "Word of Faith" type of Christianity and considers T.D. Jakes (a Trinity-denying modalist) as his role model. Furtick does not have an in-church board of elders that can hold him accountable, instead he has a corporate board comprised of other mega-church pastors; as a result he makes an undisclosed salary and lives in a 16,000 square foot mansion. He also gets extremely lucrative speaking engagements from his fellow megachurch pastors, and he speaks at many of the largest "Christian" conferences around the world.
Steven Furtick's sermons are full of Christian words and imagery, but he ultimately preaches a narcissistic gospel devoid of much Biblical truth; instead he uses manipulative speeches that "work the crowd" with spectacular success. Sadly, the Southern Baptist Convention has done little to hold Furtick and his church to the Biblical orthodoxy they are typically known for.
Here are some videos from “Fighting for the Faith” that expose the bad teaching that Steven Furtick is known for:
The following is a list of articles from Christians coming from different denominational and theological backgrounds, who all agree that Steven Furtick is not to be wholly trusted as a Biblically sound pastor:
Newest: Steven Furtick to Join Bill Johnson & Kris Vallotton for Bethel Conference
Newest: Myles Munroe Heresy Propaganda at Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church
Newest: Steven Furtick (and Craig Groeschel) Jump on Prosperity Bandwagon
Newest: Furtick, Elevation Church activate N.A.R. Apostles
Newest: Furtick joins Rod Parsley’s 2017 N.A.R. “Dominion Camp”
Why Won't Steven Furtick Answer Tough Questions About His Ministry? by Religious News Service
Steven Furtick: Unqualified, Not Unworthy by Marsha West
Elevation Coloring Book? by Stand Up For The Truth
Steven Furtick is Looking for The Favor - Apprising Ministries
Why narcigesis doesn’t work: Furtick claims to be “the son of God” by Churchwatch Central
Steven Furtick video explaining to the children why they need to memorize The Code. (Same link as Elevation Coloring Book.)
The Second Great Embarrassment by Marvin Olasky in World Magazine
Are T. D. Jakes and Steven Furtick Heretics? by Pastor Gabe Hughes Blog
Why is Steven Furtick Acting Like a Cult Leader? by
Steven Furtick Teaches That God Breaks the Law by Berean Research
Furtick Listed Among Top "Oprah-Certified" Gurus by Museum of Idolatry
Steven Furtick Has Faith in Doubt by Jeff Maples
Power of Potential to Elevate Furtick's Ego? by Museum of Idolatry
Steven Furtick Evaluation by Matt Slick of CARM
The Cult of Furtick by Doug Evans
Many Episodes of Fighting for the Faith featuring Steven Furtick
Many Steven Furtick Articles by Churchwatch Central
Many Steven Furtick Articles by Pulpit and Pen
Many Steven Furtick Articles by The Wartburg Watch
Many Steven Furtick Articles by Apprising Ministries
Debunking Steven Furtick's Book "Greater" YouTube Playlist
Early in his career, Steven Furtick made a very hip spoken word video called "Hey Haters" that was later re-mixed with his actual words being replaced with a crazy cartoon voice. The resulting video made him look so ridiculous that he never made another such video. Enjoy the Max Holiday version of "Hey Haters" below:
The Messed Up Church YouTube Channel Playlist: Confronting Steven Furtick
For those who think it's mean, judgmental and un-loving to criticize Steven Furtick (or any other church leader) here's something just for you: Shocking Stuff You're Not Supposed to Know.
If you're having a knee-jerk reaction to try and defend Steven Furtick, check out: Confirmation Bias: Why You Are Protecting Your False Beliefs.
Assertions and Assumptions are Not the Foundation of the Church
Finally, here's an article that will help you be more discerning and a lot less gullible: Defusing Demonic Dirty Bombs.
The following video uses satire to, perhaps, say more than all of the previous articles combined:

Steven Kozar started The Messed Up Church; he is an artist ( is his art website), musician, blogger, and stuff. He makes videos, too, on The Messed Up Church YouTube channel.