Steve Answers an Angry Letter

I got this email a few days ago from an angry woman.
I figured that maybe other people wondered about some of these things, so I’m going to reply to her comments in this little article. -Steven Kozar
Here’s what she said to me:
“I have given a lot of my morning to reading and exploring this site, and its links to recommended resources, and the background of the creators of those resources. As on board as I am with your critiques of Bethel Redding and prosperity teachers (because nothing bonds folks like a common enemy), I find it extremely galling that you have hidden your core beliefs behind layers and layers of subterfuge. You are clearly Calvinists doing what Calvinists (or "Reformed" teachers, although you link to a satirical Lutheran site, which is a clear disavowal of the brave human who set the course of reformed thought) do: you realize how offensive your belief system is so you hide it under a bushel and sneak it in, hoping no one notices. Your statement of beliefs consists of the flimsy doctrines of grace (easily twisted because of their vaguery) and three ancient creeds (again, vague), but how could anyone be offended, right? So keep reading this blog and eventually we'll link you up with Tim Challies or Todd Friel, both dilettantes, not qualified to teach, and not willing to be publicly challenged on their poor handling of Scripture. They are disciples not of Jesus, but of John MacArthur, John Piper, and The Gospel Coalition. Geez, Kozar. just have the, um, manhood to be forthright and honest. It would be a breath of fresh air in this vile political Evangelical environment, But (it seems to me) you're just another manipulator with a stage, mic and income derived from what God intended to be alms for the poor.”
Now let’s look at how completely wrong she was:
I’m not trying to hide the fact that I’m a Calvinist because I’m not a Calvinist. (I’m a Confessional Lutheran, but I have great friends who are Calvinists and I respect their beliefs). *wrong*
I’m not hiding my core beliefs behind layers and layers of subterfuge; this lady wanted to uncover my (non-existent) Calvinist beliefs, so she decided she found them. *wrong*
I linked to Lutheran Satire because it’s a YouTube channel that teaches Lutheran theology while using humor to show flaws in the competing theology of other churches. These videos do not go against Martin Luther at all, they’re made by a terrific Lutheran pastor, Hans Fiene. *wrong*
I’m not “hiding my offensive belief system.” The Messed Up Church is focused primarily on pointing out the serious flaws in the contemporary apostate church and directing people to more biblically sound churches. I could have made this a totally Lutheran website but I chose to keep it more open so that more people could enter into the topics at hand. *wrong*
On the “What We Believe” page I put the three solas of the original Lutheran/Protestant Reformation. These are not the doctrines of Calvinists and they are not flimsy and vague. *wrong*
The three ancient ecumenical creeds are not vague-they define orthodox Christianity. Literally. *wrong*
I put resources from Todd Friel and Tim Challies because they focus on critiquing pop evangelicalism in a way that is similar to the content of this site, even though I’m not a Calvinist like them. *wrong*
Along with Todd Friel and Tim Challies, I also link to a number of other non-Calvinist sites from a number of different theological backgrounds; so I’m not pushing Calvinist teaching. *wrong*
I’m not “just another manipulator with a stage and mic...” I write/research articles and make videos to expose bad doctrine and to help people think about the many difficult issues facing the church. I originally started doing this for myself and my family, and now I do it for anyone who stumbles onto it. If communicating your ideas is manipulation, than we’re all manipulators (including the lady who wrote to me). *wrong*
This is the most offensive (and bizarre) part of her letter to me. I don’t have any “income derived from what God intended to be alms for the poor.” I put hundreds of hours into my blogging for free; I’m not saying this to create sympathy for myself, either, I do this by my own choice. I lose tens of thousands of dollars a year by doing this, instead of painting (which is how I make a living). I pay for all expenses out of my own pocket. On the page where I mention contributions I specifically say this: “If you’d like to help support the work that Steve and his friends are doing with this site, any amount would be appreciated! (But please, contribute to your own church, first and foremost.)” So far, I’ve gotten a contribution from just one person in the whole first year, and I’ve made about five hundred dollars on selling my prints to Messed Up Church supporters (and that includes selling my prints on Pirate Christian Media’s website and my own art website). Again, I’m not saying this to make people feel guilty, I’m just clarifying the issue at hand. *wrong*
When people are hurt by someone they often lash out against things that appear to be related to that someone. This lady was most likely hurt by some Calvinists and I’m sure she has real pain from real events that really hurt her. I’m truly sorry for what happened to her.
In conclusion, I’m going to continue working on all the stuff I do here and if this article helps anyone understand this site a little more, that’s good. In the meantime, I encourage this lady to see a counselor about her anger issues, and I encourage all of us to seek the truth of a matter, as much as possible, before jumping to conclusions.
“Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.”
“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.”

Steven Kozar started The Messed Up Church; he is an artist ( is his art website), musician, blogger, and stuff. He makes videos, too, on The Messed Up Church YouTube channel.