Good News: God has Chosen Arizona to Make an Appearance (So David Herzog Can Get Your $30)!

WARNING! You are about to read a gigantic pile of hyped-up nonsense that treats God like a genie in a bottle who is about to get released.
(Nobody is as cool as David Herzog)
The following quotes are all real quotes from David Herzog’s ridiculous advertising campaign to attract an audience to his “Summer of Glory” event in June 2019:
“This Summer, an Impartation for mass harvest and mass miracles is about to be released on America. Imagine the impartation of the ‘Jesus Movement’ the Healing/Miracle wave of the 50's, 60's and the high level prophetic realm all rolled into one! What if this summer was the moment that launched you into your full destiny and propelled you right smack in the middle of the next Great Awakening in America and Beyond!
Another Great Awakening is about to occur! 2019 is a key year for the beginning of birth pains for the next Great move of God!
If you could receive an impartation for the next Great Awakening from those that are doing stadium evangelism and bring it back to your church, city, school and ministry would you come to such an event?
Of course you would.
God has chosen Arizona to host and launch the spirit of Awakening. Come to the Summer of Glory Conference to receive that mantle, fire, and Glory!
The Great Awakening of America is about to occur! 2019 is a key year for the beginning birth pains of the last great harvest! Billy Graham recently passed away and it has been prophesied that once he does his mantle for mass harvest would be released to many. It was also prophesied that once both Oral Roberts and Billy Graham died a new awakening would hit America. Well we are now in that time frame! All the signs are pointing to an Awakening and a Summer of glory.
The question is: Are you positioned and ready? Ready or not it's about to hit like waves across this great nation.
Between Passover and Pentecost God re-aligns His people for the harvest ahead. These meetings will occur shortly after Pentecost and that which God did during the 50 days will be fully ripe and ready to harvest. Your time to harvest is now!
We have never been so excited about these meetings as what occurs in them will ignite a huge harvest of souls and awakening-the likes that we have never seen before in our lifetime!
We are on the verge of a 3rd Great Awakening and Phoenix, Arizona is ground zero for many prophetic words that Arizona will model the new thing about to occur in America. Intercession and prayer groups have been covering the land for years and the Hebrew year 5779 is the culmination of the beginning of this spiritual rebirth coming to America!
I have never in my lifetime seen a paradigm shift this big as what is about to occur in America!
What we do this year in 2019 to align with God will determine the course of your life for 2020 when the biggest moves will hit and beyond. What you do this year and how you position yourself has great eternal consequence on your destiny.
We have never been so excited in our spirit as we are this year. This will be a divine appointment with the GREATER GLORY unlike any other time in history at the timing God is calling in His chosen ones, so HE can unleash on them the greater glory, power, favor and assignments that He has reserved for such as time as this. Now is the time!
The USA is on the verge of a major breakout in Awakening that it has not seen since the last Great Awakening! God often starts new things during key Kairos moments and empowers His people during these key times.
You don't want to miss the impartation that God has for you this June 2019 in Phoenix!”
Here’s Lou Engle rocking back and forth and promoting this event:
As it turns out, much of that false advertising has been copied and pasted from last years event. Yes, that’s right, LAST year (2018) something incredible was supposed to be released… but they are still trying to release stuff this year (2019). Here’s part of last years advertising campaign:
“Something that has never been released before will be released!
The Great Awakening of America is about to occur! 2018 is a key year for the beginning birth pains of the last great harvest!
Billy Graham recently passed away and it has been prophesied that once he does his mantle for mass harvest would be released to many. It was also prophesied that once both Oral Roberts and Billy Graham died a new awakening would hit America. Well we are now in that time frame! Also, we are in the 70th anniversary of Israel's Independence and the U.S. Embassy was recently relocated to Jerusalem on May 14th this year. We are also in the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. All the signs are pointing to an Awakening.
The question is:
Are you positioned and ready?
Ready or not it's about to hit like waves across this great nation.
We have never been so excited about these meetings as what occurs in these meetings will ignite a huge harvest of souls and awakening the likes that we have never seen before in our lifetime!
We are on the verge of a 3rd Great Awakening and Phoenix, Arizona is ground zero for many prophetic words that Arizona will model the new thing about to occur in America. Intercession and prayer groups have been covering the land for years and the Hebrew year 5778 is the culmination of the beginning of this spiritual rebirth coming to America!
I have never in my lifetime seen a paradigm shift this big as what is about to occur in America! What you do this year to align with God will determine the course of your life for many years as this is a Kairos year unlike any other. What you do this year and how you position yourself has great eternal consequence on your destiny.
We have never been so excited in our spirit as we are this year. This will be a divine appointment with the GREATER GLORY unlike any other time in history at the timing God is calling in His chosen ones, so HE can unleash on them the greater glory, power, favor and assignments that He has reserved for such as time as this. Now is the time!
The USA is on the verge of a major breakout in Awakening that it has not seen since the last Great Awakening! God often starts new things during His feasts and empowers His people for the great worldwide shifts during this time. It is a time when believers, who honor these days and set aside time to be with God, position themselves to receive great heavenly visitations which open them to huge favor, blessings and divine alignment with the new thing He is doing.
You don't want to miss the impartation that God has for you this June 2018 in Phoenix!”
(Just a reminder, you’re not as cool as David herzog)
But wait! If you can’t make it to the event there is still hope: Just pay $1,397 to buy Herzog’s online video series! (Wow-that’s a $100 savings!!)
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
“Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit’-yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.’”
“Who has measured the Spirit of the Lord, or what man shows him his counsel? Whom did he consult, and who made him understand? Who taught him the path of justice, and taught him knowledge, and showed him the way of understanding?”
“Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure.”
“I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him.”
“I usually just wait until David Herzog, Lou Engle, or some other professional speaker tells Me what to do next.”
(David Herzog: Blasphemous Salesman)

Steven Kozar started The Messed Up Church; he is an artist ( is his art website), musician, blogger, and stuff. He makes videos, too, on The Messed Up Church YouTube channel.