The title of the book serves as bait to attract a generation obsessed with signs and wonders, and power.
The false premise that believers can access “miracles through the body & blood of Jesus” will deceive those too lazy to study the Word of God, and gullible enough to believe every story in this book. It will become clear that Beni Johnson’s book is not a result of rightly dividing the word. Charles Spurgeon said “discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.” In this book, there’s very little “right,” very little “almost right” and a great deal of wrong. In true New Apostolic Reformation fashion, Johnson veers off the map (Scripture) and into the forbidden territories of charismatic myths, dominionism, mysticism, the new age, and other errors.
All quotes are from “The Power of Communion.” Destiny Image, Inc. Kindle Edition.
The NAR terminology and overuse of certain biblical terms in this book is a giveaway of what to expect. Here follows a list of the words followed by the number of times they occur:
“Atmosphere” – 5 times
“Shift” – 7 times
“Expectation” – 7 times
“Suddenly” – 11 times
“Prophetic” – 15 times
“Release” – 18 times
“Tool” – 19 times
“Miracle” – 19 times
“Declare” – 20 times
“Encounter” – 24 times
“Presence” – 25 times
“Testimony” – 26 times
“Heal/healing” – 85 times
“Power” – 94 times
Some of the errors in each chapter are highlighted below:
Beni starts off by describing her own church background. Her parents were leaders in their church, and Beni was exposed to people encountering God.
Beni: “People began to come up, and right away they started to manifest physically. They were crying and rolling around on the ground, encountering the Holy Spirit in new ways.” She confesses that she “had no idea what was going on”, but “knew it was from the Lord.” (p.9) “New ways” really means ways that are not found in scripture, so the “knowing” that Beni experienced was based solely upon emotions.
Beni: “On Sunday, April 9, 2017, our church body ended a corporate fast. My husband preached a wonderful sermon on the impact of Communion, and at the end of the service we took Communion as a congregation. We prayed together, applied the blood of Jesus to our families and communities, and celebrated what Jesus did for all mankind.” (pp.12-13)
Israel had to apply the blood of the Passover lamb to their doorposts to protect them from God’s judgement. This act is used to justify the modern and unbiblical practice of “pleading” or “applying” the blood of Jesus for protection or deliverance. The continual sacrifices under the law came to an end once Christ shed his blood (Hebrews 7:27). His blood is effective in redeeming individuals, and delivering them from God’s judgement. Those who attempt to re-apply the blood over others or communities, are partaking in a futile and unbiblical exercise.
Beni: “Any time we are entering a season of prayer for an individual or an issue, we are co-laboring with God. When I use Communion during these seasons of prayer, I joyfully get to do my part in declaring Heaven over their lives.” (p.14)
The Apostle Paul when addressing division in the Corinthian church, referred to himself and Apollos as “God’s fellow workers” – 1 Cor 3:9. This does not mean they were equal to God. Verse 6-7 makes this clear: “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” This is an important distinction to make, as Bill Johnson believes Jesus came to model life for us. As far as miracles are concerned, Bill believes that whatever miracles Jesus performed, we should be able to do and even improve upon. This is based on a faulty interpretation of John 14:12. Only God can decree and declare things into existence, but delusions of grandeur have caused those who have bought into NAR teachings to believe their declarations contain power and are causative.
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