A Unified Dominionist Agenda to “Save the Country”?

This is a pretty extensive article about "dominionism;" it's really important for Christians to recognize (and refute!) this false teaching:

From the Lighthouse Blog: Will Christians Replace Commitment to the Gospel for Commitment to a Unified Dominionist Agenda to “Save the Country”? (April 15, 2015)

This article is not a statement that Christians should not be involved in or concerned about the political state of their countries. Rather, the intention of this article is to exhort believers to use discernment in understanding the times in which we live. It is to show how a present ecumenical, dominionist movement (that is heading toward a one-world religion to “establish the kingdom of God on earth”) is operating and deceiving many Christians. As Christians, we are to be witnesses for Jesus Christ and His Gospel message of salvation. But today, many Christians may be on the brink of buying into a plan that will ultimately create a global religion and global government.
— Will Christians Replace Commitment to the Gospel for Commitment to a Unified Dominionist Agenda to "Save the Country"?; Lighthouse Trail Editors; April 15, 2015

Steven Kozar started The Messed Up Church; he is an artist (StevenKozar.com is his art website), musician, blogger, and stuff. He makes videos, too, on The Messed Up Church YouTube channel.